Lab Members

Principal Investigator

Karen Adelman

Harvard Medical School
BCMP, LHRRB Building, Room 201a
45 Shattuck St.
Boston, MA 02115
Email: karen_adelmanathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu (karen_adelman[at]hms[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

We aim to elucidate how cells react in a rapid yet balanced manner to external signals, at the transcriptional and epigenetic level. We use a combination of genomics, genetics and biochemistry to study the dynamics of gene expression, with a focus on developmental systems and cancer.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Apoorva Baluapuri

Apoorva_Baluapuriathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu (Apoorva_Baluapuri[at]hms[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Apoorva earned his PhD at the Cancer Systems Biology Lab at University of Würzburg in 2021. Now at the Adelman lab he is interested in learning the mechanisms and modularity of gene regulation by the Integrator complex and to apply these learnings in cancer therapeutics. 

(Maria) Jessica Bruzzone

maria_bruzzoneathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu (maria_bruzzone[at]hms[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Jessica is a post-doctoral fellow interested in understanding the mechanisms that govern co-transcriptional processes like RNAPII pausing and splicing.

Ryan Marina

Ryan_Marinaathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu (Ryan_Marina[at]hms[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Ryan joined the lab as a post-doctoral fellow to investigate the crosstalk between RNA processing and transcription regulation. Specifically, he hopes to mechanistically dissect how trans-acting proteins like splicing factors affect RNA Pol II dynamics in mammalian cells.

Allison Siegenfeld

allison_siegenfeldathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu (allison_siegenfeld[at]hms[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Allison is interested in how the epigenome and epitranscriptome affect transcription elongation.

Graduate Students

Christy Goglia

cgogliaatg [dot] harvard [dot] edu (cgoglia[at]g[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Christy is a graduate student in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) PhD program.  She is interested in understanding processes that alter chromatin architecture and gene expression.     

Karla Martinez Nevarez

kmartineznevarezatg [dot] harvard [dot] edu (kmartineznevarez[at]g[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Karla is a graduate student in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) PhD Program. She is interested in understanding the mechanisms that terminate transcription and how these mechanisms respond to external signals. Outside of the lab, Karla serves on the board of MBSH and volunteers with HPREP and Science Club for Girls.

Nikola Mizgier

nmizgieratg [dot] harvard [dot] edu (nmizgier[at]g[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Nikola is a graduate student in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) Program. She is interested in understanding the mechanisms that regulate the epigenetic landscape and transcription to inform efforts for therapeutic development. She is a nature lover and loves to paint.

Lab Manager

Emily Egan

Emily_Eganathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu (Emily_Egan[at]hms[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Emily is a lab manager, working with the Adelman and Blacklow labs.

Research Assistants

Dalton McGlamery

Dalton_McGlameryathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu (Dalton_McGlamery[at]hms[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Dalton is working to develop a cell-free system for the study of transcription and RNA processing. 

ChenCheng Zhao

ChenCheng_Zhaoathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu (ChenCheng_Zhao[at]hms[dot]harvard[dot]edu)

Chen has joined "Team Integrator" in the lab as a research assistant.


Eileen Ablondi

Eileen defended her PhD in July 2022 and is now a freelance science writer. 

Piero Espinel

Piero is a graduate student in the Molecular Biosciences Program at The University of Kansas.

Emily Kaye

Emily joined Editas Medicine in August 2023, as part of their Platform Technology group.

Ben Martin

Ben is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Oncology at McGill University. 

Claudia Mimoso

Claudia is a Postdoctoral Associate YSM Science Fellow in the Department of Genetics at Yale School of Medicine

Geoff Nelson

Geoff is now a Senior Scientist in Bioinformatics at AstraZeneca.

Chad Stein

Chad graduated in May 2023 and is now doing a postdoc at UC Berkeley.

Hanneke Vlaming

Hanneke moved back to the Netherlands in January 2023 to start her own lab at the University of Utrecht.